KDF Matt and i made these little guys on Boxing day. The cookie cutter has these built-in bits that make a dent in the dough for buttons, mouth and eyes. They turn out so cute and it was so much fun turning each one into a little person... i felt bad eating them (but only for a split second because they tasted so good the flavour wiped my emotions). My personal fave would have to be top right, he was dropped when coming out of the oven (maybe he tried to run away) and sustained a severed arm and leg in the process. KDF fixed him up with some blue stitches. None of Matt's decorated men made it into the picture... because he insisted on givng them all 'pink-eye' (Knocked-Up has a lot to answer for) and they looked like possessed crazy little gingerbread-men.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The men
KDF Matt and i made these little guys on Boxing day. The cookie cutter has these built-in bits that make a dent in the dough for buttons, mouth and eyes. They turn out so cute and it was so much fun turning each one into a little person... i felt bad eating them (but only for a split second because they tasted so good the flavour wiped my emotions). My personal fave would have to be top right, he was dropped when coming out of the oven (maybe he tried to run away) and sustained a severed arm and leg in the process. KDF fixed him up with some blue stitches. None of Matt's decorated men made it into the picture... because he insisted on givng them all 'pink-eye' (Knocked-Up has a lot to answer for) and they looked like possessed crazy little gingerbread-men.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
All in the family

This is a pic of Mum, KDF (my niece) and I. I dragged Ma back to Leo for a few weeks to work at the hospital again (bless her woolly socks for saving our souls) and KDF has been working as a Patient Care Assistant/Casual Admin clerk... so thats 3 generations of my family all working together. It's a conspiracy to take over the town! It was great fun, however Mum snuck away back home just before Christmas leaving KDF and I to soldier on in the heat.
HEAT.... it's been a kazillion degree's every day (Thats no exaggeration). My whole garden is turning crunchy and the dogs have dug enormous craters in the back garden to try and stay cool (trust me... you need to dig a looong way down for any sign of damp-cool-dirt).
Husband is in Perth for a week having a holiday. He's staying with friends... relaxing, swimming, eating, shopping.
I want to be shopping.
I love shopping.
Love love love shopping.
Doesn't matter though coz i've given him a list. A long list. he'll wish he never went shopping without me ever again.