This is a pic of Mum, KDF (my niece) and I. I dragged Ma back to Leo for a few weeks to work at the hospital again (bless her woolly socks for saving our souls) and KDF has been working as a Patient Care Assistant/Casual Admin clerk... so thats 3 generations of my family all working together. It's a conspiracy to take over the town! It was great fun, however Mum snuck away back home just before Christmas leaving KDF and I to soldier on in the heat.
HEAT.... it's been a kazillion degree's every day (Thats no exaggeration). My whole garden is turning crunchy and the dogs have dug enormous craters in the back garden to try and stay cool (trust me... you need to dig a looong way down for any sign of damp-cool-dirt).
Husband is in Perth for a week having a holiday. He's staying with friends... relaxing, swimming, eating, shopping.
I want to be shopping.
I love shopping.
Love love love shopping.
Doesn't matter though coz i've given him a list. A long list. he'll wish he never went shopping without me ever again.
How fun! Years ago, my mom joined me for six months at the daycare I worked at, and we had a blast together. It was scary to realize that much of what I'd said to the kids had been Mom's words that must have burrowed into my subconscious.
Sorry to hear about the heatwave. Can I offer you some of our cold?
Hi Melissa! It was fun with Ma & KDF... hmmm i wonder who else I can recruit from my family?!
I read your blog about the SNOW in your driveway... please send some this direction stat!
You can recruit my Husband...seen as he is off work for a while... he would love to get into the garden at the hospital!
Thanks for Christmas...most enjoyable.
Nice to see you back on the blogger!
Jo xx
The prodical blogger returns - yeah!
In the good old days imagined how they coped with the heat, no cooling systems whatsoever thank god for air conditioners now and we still whinge!
Its a wonder we still have a gardner after he saw the state of his lawns on his return from holidays - oh well shit happens and we are on water restrictions! I am sure your brother-in-law would do a fantastic job in the gardens, maybe Al needs an offsider for awhile!
Keep up the blogging.
also known as JB and now Marlene!!
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