Our Bali holiday dates have changed because
JB was having a panic attack about leaving work at the end of July... so to avoid her
a) having an out of control
spazza episode requiring admission to a psych facility
b) cancelling and deciding not to come at all....
I decided to change our dates. I did a mad ring around to the other Bali-adventurers and then to the travel agent and we have
re-booked for early September. Initially we were unsure if we'd be able to get another 3 bedroom villa, but today it was confirmed... so it's all systems go!
Note to self: NEVER try and organise more than 2 people to do anything at once EVER again!
* * * * * *
Husband is in Perth for a week catching up with his favourite things - family footy and friends.
He rang me today from the
Lancome counter in Myer to see if I needed anything - he handed the mobile to the sales girl so I could explain my foundation and moisturiser to her. He then paid and will bring it back for me. Ah! Too easy!
He's decided to go to Bali too with some mates
(He's not invited on our girls trip - so he had to make his own fun!) He's going before I do so I'd better start stashing some cash
in case he spends it all.
Might start now... am off to hide a 50 under the