Day 2 in the new job and I had a shite day.
Day 2 blues I've called it, I'm sure tomorrow will be better.
I think it was just a messy day, I'm in the process of getting 'handover' from the previous boss and everything feels messy, scattered and unorganised. I just want to get in and get things sorted so I feel like I know what I'm doing! She leaves tomorrow, and although she's a great 'security blanket', she's only a phone call away. When she goes I can get in, get sorted (hopefully) and fly Solo! Gulp.
I feel a bit stressed (which is very strange for me), so I'm gonna go have a long relaxing soak in the bath. Just me n lotsa bubbles.
Yeah, that sounds great... sod the water restrictions just for one night.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
More pics
Today was my last day of 'no responsibility' - of being able to pass on problems and plead ignorance. Tomorrow I start my new job as the 'Captain' with L-plates firmly taped to my forehead! Yikes, I'm just praying that I don't spend the majority of next week saying to myself 'Jeeeezus, what have I done?' I'm sure it'll all work out fine, but I just want to get over that learning stage where everything seems to take three times as long as it should, and every question you think to yourself 'ummmm, I'm not sure..' .
* * * * * *
I went motorbike riding with Tan this morning, she's got her Learners permit (and her own bike now too - it's been lowered so she can touch the ground!) and needs to practice on the road before geting tested. We did laps around town like real dorks, but it was fun.
* * * * * *
I can't help but share my 'saved' here's more.
This is Captain's Pizzeria which is on the Captains run at Cardrona Ski field. Its a really cute Pizza cafe... but the best thing is you can stop off mid run and go to the loo instead of having to ski all the way to the base! Haa... priorities!
Me 'n Vicki-Lee Outside Captains. (post pizza and pee)
NZ is gorgeous.
Nephew number 2 (2.5 years) on the sled, and husband and nephew number 3 (11 months).
Holiday Happy-snaps
Husband keeping a watchful-Uncle-eye on Seth, who at 4 skii' d like a champion!
Lucky my arms are long... no need for other people to take our photo! Me, husband and Indi.
I sustained 3rd degree frostbite after taking my hand out of my glove for this pic. It was FREEZING on the chair lifts. Me, Husband, Vicki-Lee & Mark. Bbbbrrr.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Pulling rabbits outta hats!
Yesterday I did the daftest thing ever. After previewing my 200-plus photos from our holiday and secretly telling myself that we had taken some darn fine shots, I then proceeded to cut & paste them from preview to my pictures, and since it was taking ages to transfer that many pics over ( a few so impatient) I grabbed the camera and without turning my brain ON, I disconnected it from the computer and then deleted the images from the camera - for some reason thinking that I had them safely on the computer.
Then I hear a pop up with a message stating 'there has been an error during this transfer...' and I have this sudden moment of realisation... my stomach drops to my toes and my heart picks up pace....shiiiiit. Noooo, shit, shit, shit. What on earth was I thinking by disconnecting, not to mention deleting ALL the pictures off the camera???
I had 8 of my 230 holiday photos.
That was it.
Anyway, after a few hours of sulking and desperately hoping for them to magically reappear, I did a little bit of a Google search (gotta LOVE Google) and discovered that I was not the only dipshit on this planet accidentally deleting things... people do it all the time (phew!). All I needed to do was download a retrieval programme (i used PC-Inspector) which took about 10 minutes (and was FREE), hooked up the camera again and voila.... All my pics back!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Internet and technology and people inventing things to save the sanity of no-brainers like me!!
Then I hear a pop up with a message stating 'there has been an error during this transfer...' and I have this sudden moment of realisation... my stomach drops to my toes and my heart picks up pace....shiiiiit. Noooo, shit, shit, shit. What on earth was I thinking by disconnecting, not to mention deleting ALL the pictures off the camera???
I had 8 of my 230 holiday photos.
That was it.
Anyway, after a few hours of sulking and desperately hoping for them to magically reappear, I did a little bit of a Google search (gotta LOVE Google) and discovered that I was not the only dipshit on this planet accidentally deleting things... people do it all the time (phew!). All I needed to do was download a retrieval programme (i used PC-Inspector) which took about 10 minutes (and was FREE), hooked up the camera again and voila.... All my pics back!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Internet and technology and people inventing things to save the sanity of no-brainers like me!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Rain has melted the snowman
Were on the last few days of our NZ holiday and it's been RAINING non stop. C R A P! It actually feels a bit warmer which is a bonus, but it's not real helpful when you're trying to cart 4 kiddies around and entertain them without all ending up like drowned rats. I think tomorrow is forecast to be rain-free so we'll try to break free from our hotel room and find something fun to do. We're planning more skiing Monday & Tuesday which should be good since there has been about 10 tonne of snow dumped on the mountain in the last 2 days. (soft landing for the butt!)
Husband and I just had Thai for dinner, we had a Red Curry Duck dish with Cherry tomatoes, pineapple and grapes! Sounds strange...but was yum.
Last night we looked after the kiddies while the others went out for dinner. We ordered Pizza and had a great time playing with the toddlers...indoor soccer, colouring in, leggo building and popcorn popping. It was fun.
Best be off, husbands finished researching footy results (thats the reason we're in the internet cafe - he's having AFL withdrawals!)
Husband and I just had Thai for dinner, we had a Red Curry Duck dish with Cherry tomatoes, pineapple and grapes! Sounds strange...but was yum.
Last night we looked after the kiddies while the others went out for dinner. We ordered Pizza and had a great time playing with the toddlers...indoor soccer, colouring in, leggo building and popcorn popping. It was fun.
Best be off, husbands finished researching footy results (thats the reason we're in the internet cafe - he's having AFL withdrawals!)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Kiwi girl
Far out, its been a decade since I blogged. Shit. where'd that time go??
I'm in snowy New Zealand on holiday, Husband and I have been here for a week, with another week to go. We're staying in Queenstown which is as beautiful as ever, the most amazing views of snow topped mountains and an enormous lake... its magic to wake up in the morning & look out the window to admire it, I love it.
We've had 4 days skiing which has been awesome. The first day we spent on green (beginner) runs (refreshing our wobbly legs on the art of ploughing thru the snow) the second day I cracked the shits because we tackled blue (intermediate) runs obviously way before I was up to it. I fell over atleast TEN times on one run... fuck, I was so frustrated by the end I spat it, took my skii's off and marched off down the slope huffily refusing any assistance from my ever-so-patient husband who had spent the whole run dusting snow off me and stopping to make sure I hadn't wrecked myself. We both crack up laughing about it now... how shitty I was (like a little 4 year old throwing a tantrum) and how I just spent that entire run looking like a giant human snowball!! Bloody funny in retrospect.
Anyway, following that doomsville-run, husband insisted (rightfully so) that we return to the basics and I brushed up on my hill turns and learnt how to slow down. Its also worth mentioning that when husband does my ski boots up extra tight I have a much more impressive skiing style (funny that). The combination of the above meant days 3 and 4 skiing were fab. Yesterday we spent the whole day on blue runs and had a great time. No more dummy spits from me. yahoo.
Husbands entire family are here on holiday with us. His Mum, Dad, Brother & Sister-in-law with their 4 kids under the age of 5yrs. It's nice to have all the family here, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't occasionally feel like pulling my hair out (strand-by-single-strand). Apparently I'm not quite as patient as I thought I was. It takes soooo looong to do anything with that many toddlers in tow. Yikes! They're cuties but I'm obviously missing the 'mother-gene' that gives you the ability to cope when: two are screaming their lungs up to their throats (because No 1 is biting No 2's ear off), one is pouring your freshly ordered Latte all over the floor and the other is tying your shoelaces in knots.
* * * * * *
Guess what?? You know that job I applied for?? The one that I thought I did really crap at the interview??
Yeehaar! I got a phone call confirming it a few days ago... I'm stoked! I'll have to put my serious-person hat on now... I can't wait for the new challenge! yay me.
Thats the goss for now, I'd better sign off from this dodgy internet cafe and go find more coffee.
I'm in snowy New Zealand on holiday, Husband and I have been here for a week, with another week to go. We're staying in Queenstown which is as beautiful as ever, the most amazing views of snow topped mountains and an enormous lake... its magic to wake up in the morning & look out the window to admire it, I love it.
We've had 4 days skiing which has been awesome. The first day we spent on green (beginner) runs (refreshing our wobbly legs on the art of ploughing thru the snow) the second day I cracked the shits because we tackled blue (intermediate) runs obviously way before I was up to it. I fell over atleast TEN times on one run... fuck, I was so frustrated by the end I spat it, took my skii's off and marched off down the slope huffily refusing any assistance from my ever-so-patient husband who had spent the whole run dusting snow off me and stopping to make sure I hadn't wrecked myself. We both crack up laughing about it now... how shitty I was (like a little 4 year old throwing a tantrum) and how I just spent that entire run looking like a giant human snowball!! Bloody funny in retrospect.
Anyway, following that doomsville-run, husband insisted (rightfully so) that we return to the basics and I brushed up on my hill turns and learnt how to slow down. Its also worth mentioning that when husband does my ski boots up extra tight I have a much more impressive skiing style (funny that). The combination of the above meant days 3 and 4 skiing were fab. Yesterday we spent the whole day on blue runs and had a great time. No more dummy spits from me. yahoo.
Husbands entire family are here on holiday with us. His Mum, Dad, Brother & Sister-in-law with their 4 kids under the age of 5yrs. It's nice to have all the family here, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't occasionally feel like pulling my hair out (strand-by-single-strand). Apparently I'm not quite as patient as I thought I was. It takes soooo looong to do anything with that many toddlers in tow. Yikes! They're cuties but I'm obviously missing the 'mother-gene' that gives you the ability to cope when: two are screaming their lungs up to their throats (because No 1 is biting No 2's ear off), one is pouring your freshly ordered Latte all over the floor and the other is tying your shoelaces in knots.
* * * * * *
Guess what?? You know that job I applied for?? The one that I thought I did really crap at the interview??
Yeehaar! I got a phone call confirming it a few days ago... I'm stoked! I'll have to put my serious-person hat on now... I can't wait for the new challenge! yay me.
Thats the goss for now, I'd better sign off from this dodgy internet cafe and go find more coffee.
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