Sunday, August 24, 2008

Peter Andre - He Da Man!

This completely cracks me up - such a blast from the past.
Good old Pete... why does he always have his shirt flying open in the breeze, and his pants pulled up under his armpits? And whats with the bouncing red car?
JB was searching for this song and we were having no luck finding it on iTunes, so after Googling it to make sure we had the spelling and song name correct we found it on youtube. We then spent the next hour in hysterics playing it over and over, imitating the dance moves and singing our hearts out.

After our Pete-session we watched the movie Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore & Hugh Grant. I'd seen it before but I don't remember loving it as much as I did second time round. KDF and I giggled the entire movie (JB fell asleep - she's a hopeless movie watcher). I'm not a huge Hugh Grant fan, but he is hilarious in this movie. The 80's references are classic - I'm not sure how KDF appreciates the humour tho since she wasn't even alive in the 80's and proved it with this conversation:

Me: That movie was awesome, kind of reminded me of WHAM! with George Michael and Andy whats-his-face, the famous one and the one no one remembered.
KDF: Who are Wham?
Me: You DON'T know WHAM????? George Michael??
KDF: *looking blank* No...never heard of them.
Me: Oh my God... you make me feel so oooold!

If you haven't seen that movie and you were alive in the 80's (although clearly that is not a pre-requisite to enjoy the pic) you MUST go rent it and watch it!


Jennafina said...


I am so proud of you, he certainly is "Da Man". I just love his song "Gimme a Little Sign". Peter you rocked back in those days!

Jennafina said...


Lounge Chair/Jennafina/Sleeping - Good night world.

Jo said...

don't remember much about Peter Andre... good song tho.

Music and Lyrics is great...Hugh Grant movies are usually good to watch... so are Drew Barrymore movies.

Jo x

Jenn... I am not much better with the couch and movies, ask Karen about my efforts at trying to watch Harry Potter!!!

Jo x