By the end of tomorrow I will have done 40 hours overtime in a week. That is just freaking ridiculous - no wonder I feel fuzzy and confused, and my house is a mess, and I have no clean clothes, and haven't cooked healthy food forever. Well okay, none of that stuff is directly related to my overtime but it makes me feel better if i console myself with the fact it might be and that it's not really because I'm a slob waiting for the fairies to come do it.
* * * * *
I have frostbite.
Well I'm sure it's not real frostbite, but it feels like frostbite. My toes have been blue and numb a reasonable amount of time lately because we seem to be having an extended COLD-SNAP here and my circulation is shite, and it's not acceptable to wear ugg-boots to work (damn-it).
Now three of my toes are the complete opposite of numb (how does that work?)... they are bloody sore! Tingly and sensitive... and... well ... frost-bitten.
* * * * * *
Wanna see our new house? It'll make you laugh.

It made me cry.
But only for a moment, because it doesn't look that bad inside. Its tiny... but okay. We've lived in worse.... far worse.
My fave feature would have to be the 'pink' brick... and the fact that it looks like the Jetsons house (Meet George Jetson...).
Maybe it was the Police Station once upon a time... which by the way is right next door, like on the same block (see the bottom pic, our house is on the left, the station is the building on the right) Crikey, husband won't exactly stress himself getting to work on time!!
The garden needs some T.L.C.
That should keep me amused for a while (while I'm waiting for my job search allowance to arrive - I still don't have a job to go to).
* * * * * *
I love audio books.
I used to hate driving long distances (for me thats more than 25km) alone because being in a car makes me sleeepy, and I just yawn and yawn and go glassy-eyed and want to curl up into a neat little ball and snooze. Zzzzzz.
Which is just plain unsafe when you are behind the damn wheel.
Anyway, someone left an audio book in my work car. So out of sheer desperation one day I tried it - and, (once I got over the cheesy introduction and elevator music that they unnecessarily played between the chapters) I found the kilometers would zoom by and I'd actually be hoping my destination was further away so i could squeeze in one last chapter.
They are a miracle I tell you!
The one I'm listening to at the moment is a tad odd i must admit (futuristic war), however it doesn't seem to bother me that the content is not something I'd usually read myself... because when someone else is blabbing it out, it just seems so much easier to tune in and follow along.
I am a nerd, I am not ashamed.
Over n out x
Your 'new' house looks exciting!?...I see the snazzy lawnmower will be getting a good work out!
The house will look completely different once your things are in will turn it into a lovely home.
Crap with the Police Stn NEXT door! Suppose if husband leaves something at home he ain't got far to go to get it.
You will be able to relax soon...Bali in a couple of weeks (19 days)... massage, swimming, sleeping, etc.
Sad toes... you can get off cuts of sheep skin and put them in the end of your shoes to keep your toes snuggly and warm.
Jo xx
Oooh nice house, your into gardening so the outside will be looking fabulous once you get into it.
If I come to stay where do I sleep - cell next door??
OMG Audio Books - nerd for sure.
Just yesterday I was thinking of picking up some audio books - now I'm convinced! My friend Lori and I listened to one of the Harry Potter books on the way to Vegas last year, and it was a lifesaver.
The exterior of a house doesn't matter near as much as the interior, and like Jo said, once your things are brought in, it'll be home.
Best of luck with the move!
P.S. Cover those toes!!
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