Hullo for Saturday, except now it's actually Sunday... I really should go to bed.
Meet DEXTER, he's Ward and Peta's little puppy and he's just adoreable! awwwww.
My day in a nutshell
-Woke at 0930 with a headache from too many vino's last night
-Had my 'regulation' oats-n-almond breaky
-walked to the shop with Waynie, bought stuff for dinner and 2 scratchies (my new addiction)
-Saw Tan at the shops and got a lift home with her (our car's at Gav's getting new shocky's)
-Wayne made 'real' cappuccino's ...mmmmmmm
-Did washing and not much else housework
-Went to the Pool with Tan and swam 40 laps. My ears froze, the water was freezing!
-Relaxed at the pool after swimming.... great fun lazing in the sun and chatting
-Had a Wayne & Andrea night, watched 'Da Vinci Code' and ate Waynes yummy home made Tomato sauce on Pasta
-Forgot to water my flowers/garden yesterday & today and now my Petunias are looking very sad :-(
Da Vinci code was okay, I need to watch it again i think to fully grasp it all. I was a bit lost, my history and religious knowledge is a tad limited and I'm sure that didn't help.
I'd better go to bed.
seeya x
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