A 7 week glitch. Thats what I'm going to call last weeks crazy hungry caterpillar days!
I'm proud to say tho that I'm BACK in form!!!! Phew. Jen bought me a beloved Iced Coffee today and guess what I did? I gave it away!! Thats a huuuuuge achievement for this Iced coffee guzzling queen. I nearly cried tho.
Okay okay, what have i been up to?
Well I have found another jogging buddy which is fantastic. Nikki is a new Nurse at work and she's great fun, and she's a marathon runner!! She ran a Marathon when she was 4 months preggers...yikes! She now has little Lizzie who's 19 months old, so she doesn't get much of a chance to run these days... only occasionally with Liz in the pram. We've been on 3 early morning (5am) runs to Gwalia and back (6km) which suits her perfectly because Lizzie is still snoozing. Tania, Nikki and I are going again in the morning, the more the merrier! Nikki's such a good runner she just chats the whole way - its a great distraction. I'm sure 6km is
nothing to Nik, but she's super keen just to be out there, and it's great to have someone push us that bit harder.
I did have a bit of a near-binge experience today. I had a very stressful last hour at work (thought i was going to explode with frustration) so thought I would have a choccy and maybe even an Iced coffee too (
to make myself feel better??!)... luckily i remembered K's 'Emergency Protein Bar' theory and it did the trick. No real choccy or IC required.
Soooo, my Food and fitness for today..
5am - reistance training at the gym & 20 mins cardio
6:30am - Protein pancakes x 2 with SF syrup, cup of tea
1030am - 4 Corn thins with thin smear of 100% Peanut Butter
1330 - Vegie omelette (1 egg/3 whites) tomatoes, mushies, onion, capsicum, parsley
1630 - Protein Bar, mmmm
1800 - 45 mins squash plus Abs
2000 - Healthy pizza (Pita with Dolmio, tomatoes, onion, mushies & LF cheese)Wayne and I had planned Curry yoghurt Chicken for dinner, but ended up staying at the gym until late and were starving when we got home. Healthy pizza was an easy option.
Well I must be off to bed, cheerio!