Murphy and his 'hotdog'. He is obsessed by plastic chew toys, especially squeaky ones - he goes mad over them!! He doesn't just chew on the toys... he SWALLOWS!! Dork of a dog. Aww I love him tho.
I think i'm a blog addict. It's kind of therapeutic crapping on about your mundane daily happenings! I love reading other blogs too, i have a few regular ones i read daily, and have started reading a few 'randoms' ...whoah there are some trippers out there!! very amusing.
Well I'm off nightshift, but hey guess what, its 2am and I'm wide awake...bright- eyed, bushy tailed ready for action!! I can't sleep (crap poo bum spew- I hate it when i can't sleep I NEVER have that problem!) Thank god for the internet and my new blog-addiction.
I just had a huge craving for a mango smoothie, but i'm not too sure husband would appreciate the sound of the whizz-thingy muching up ice and frozen mango at 2 in the morning! So i just made myself a 'healthy iced coffee' - 1 cup of skim milk, 1 cup cold H2O coffee, splenda n lotsa iceblocks. (No where near as good as the real Iced coffee in the carton tho!)
My food n fitness for today (oh and last night at work too):
2230 - Tuna salad
0400 - Banana, 7 Strawberries, 1/2 cup LF yoghurt
0830 - Home from work.... snooze
1400 - Oats with splenda & 8 Almonds
1700 - Airport run (PB 16m:30s!!) & resistance (back, triceps, abs)
1900 - Silverside & huge salad, small amt LF cheese
0200 - Iced coffee homestyle
Oooh, we're off to Kal tomorrow.
please scales be nice to Drea in the morning, please, please.
Oh well, even if i'm not ipod-worthy atleast i get to see REAL shops!! Yippee.
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