Sunday, January 28, 2007
New phone
ps i changed my blog title! Bloody husband!
Friday, January 26, 2007
It reminds me of Bart writing 'lines' on the balckboard at the start of the Simpsons.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Confucius say:
I just love these, they crack me up....
- Man who have feet firmly on ground, have trouble putting pants on
- Man who run behind bus get exhausted
- Man who eat crackers in bed wake up feeling crummy
- Man who fart in church, sit in own pew
- Cow with no legs is ground beef
Yay yay yay ayyayayayaa Its nearly home time. longest dang' night shift ever.
Yeah I know you can shop anywhere, but this is one shopping-deprived chicky! (Leo's supermarket and roadhouses are not worthy of 'shop' status by any means) and I am busting out of myself to see REAL life (ie: not online) shops. I'm sure I'll be over my shopping bug before we jet off to Hawaii tho, we have a few days in Perth first. Yahooo.
The other reason I'm on cloud nine is that I think the 'addiction standoff' between Tan and I has rebooted me into being healthy! I was back to having frequent (hmmm actually very frequent) IC's and our standoff has broken the cycle. Thank gawd. See the problem with my 'addiction' (and yes Tan it is an addiction tho you may scoff!) is that it'll put me into a bad zone ALL day, i seem to drink an IC then also have a Nut bar, then seem to skip lunch and have crap food later in the arvo when I'm famished again. So the whole day is a downward steep gluttinous spiral. Hmmphf.
Today for eats' n exercise (note how i write when i'm being good, but neglect to when i'm naughty?)
1630 -1/2 Protein bar
1700 - swam 40 laps (moderate pace)
1945 - steak and a humungous salad
2200 - apple & a coffee (just a normal one - NOT of the Iced variety!)
0100 - Cottage cheese yoghurt berry thing with almonds & seeds. Mmmmm!
I've also decided that I'm going to complete another 12 week challenge when I get back from holiday. This time I'm going to do the whole 12 weeks and will be at my goal weight by my birthday (June). Yeah. I can do it. yeah yeah.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
An addiction stand off
I did try to post last night at work but couldn't log into blogger for some strange reason, typical i was in a 'chatty' mood to and i'm sure i would've come up with some most amusing, thought provoking, astounding tales for all to read. Now i'm a sleep deprived-post-nightshift-zombie who's finding it hard to even piece together a single sentence. Ugh. There'll be nothing of interest here today my friends.
Today i MUST get up and do some exercise. Must must must. I flagged yesterday (despite Tans very best persuasive efforts!) but i did manage to get a few home chores done instead. yay. excitement plus.
I'm in the midst of an 'addiction -standoff' with Tania. She's stopped smoking (thank Gawd!) and I've honoured her immense willpower by stopping Iced Coffee's!
Look i know that sounds pathetic (because hey apparently smoking is like harder than heroin to give up and Iced coffee is 'just milk') but its HARDER than you think! Those little brown boxes of goodness 'complete me'. I am DEPENDANT on them, I dream about them and savour every last tiny morsel of that icy cold coffee flavoured milk that comes up that straw. Mmmmmmm. It's making me want one. But no, I'd rather have a buddy with less tar coating her Pulmonary system than the beloved brown box.
Well i really must go get some snooze. everything is getting blurry n fuzzy!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I went swimming this arvo and managed a measley 40 laps (25m pool). Tan whipped me at a normal everyday pace, I used to be a few laps ahead of her. I don't mind at all that she beat me, but i just felt like i had no energy and even though i was pushing hard i felt SLOW and stiff. My eating has been a bit ordinary (which is surely contributing to my lack of energy), i just seem to have lost my focus at the moment and its making me sad. I really want to atleast focus for these next two weeks before Hawaii, or i'll be back to where i started before i even go on holidays... all that hard work for nothing :-(
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The list
- Take down my Christmas decs - DONE! I sadly sang Chrissy carols the whole time i was unwinding tinsel and collecting up little santa's from all over my house.
- Weed the front garden & plant my new plants (x 5) -DONE!
- Weed the side garden - Nope - come on... you should see the state of my garden, i'd need a month off to complete both.
- Admire my weed'ed garden! - Yep, half of my effort anyway
- Clean my MB air filter (with help from WC) -Nope...decided it didn't need it, plus don't want to touch anything more on that bike that might break or seize up given half a chance.
- Clean the oven -YES! It was bloody amazing, Whilst i probably smashed an enormous hole in the ozone layer using the super-dooper tri-industrial strength oven cleaner i bought, it 'melted' off an enormous amount of brown greasy goo, so much that my oven racks look brand spanking new!! I just wiped off the muck the entire time saying 'wow, oooh, gee are those racks really shiny silver??'
- Connect the stereo to the TV/DVD/Foxtel (without f**cking up the whole setup) Umm no... i don't have the right cable connector thingy... still working on that one.
- Cook a meal and freeze the whole lot for spare healthy meals when i can't be both'd to cook - Yep i cooked a huge healthy chow mein and put it in little containers in the freezer. I felt like i'd turned into my super-organised-sister. weird.
- Organise a birthday card/gift for my niece - yep, done. Thats my super-organised-sister's daughter, so can't be late with that one
- Put up the new shower curtain (has been sitting there for 3 months)- oops no... forgot i'd even put that on my 'to do' list. Ha, now thats the normal Drea back!
- Email my sister who possibly thinks i've carked it! Yep- done and dusted. Now she's probably in hospital recovering from severe shock.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
run run as fast as u can...
equipment. Very stylish,
very pink! I'm such a dork.
jog jog jog...
The last two runs I've been on have been awesome. The cooler weather is perfect for jogging, I feel like Forest Gump... could just go 0n & on & on. Tania and I changed our route
the other night and started from my house, went over the road through the bush over the hill to the hospital (cross country style!), up the main road to the airport and back home. It took us 45 minutes and was fantastic, we actually 'chatted' most of the way and both were amazed we could hold a conversation and jog for that long - this time last year we could barely jog for 15 minutes! Yesterday morning i did the Gwalia jog with Nikki and PB'd - 38 minutes. Tan Nikki and i are off again for a jog at 6am tomorrow, it's the best time to go ... hope my running zest continues, nothing beats the 'high' of a great run, especially at the end if you still feel comfortable & the whole time you feel like you're flying, it's an amazing feeling.
I have got three wonderful glorious amazing days off now. YAY! I'm gonna keep the phone off the hook so work can't call me in! Yeah sure... they'd hunt me down.
List of 'to do's' for the next three days:
- Take down my Christmas decs (yep...they're still up)
- weed the front garden & plant my new plants (x 5)
- weed the side garden
- admire my weed'ed garden!
- Clean my MB air filter (with help from WC)
- Clean the oven
- connect the stereo to the TV/DVD/Foxtel (without f**cking up the whole setup)
- cook a meal and freeze the whole lot for spare healthy meals when i can't be both'd to cook
- Organise a birthday card/gift for my niece
- put up the new shower curtain (has been sitting there for 3 months)
- email my sister who possibly thinks i've carked it!
Will report back my achievements on the above.
Food n fitness ( for yesterday)
- 0500 -6km run
- 0700 -Oats n Splenda with coffee n splenda
- 1000 -CC yoghurt thingy with berries
- 1230 -Mountain Bread x 2 with 2 eggs (1 Y) & FF mayo & lettuce
- 1530 -4 corn thins with PB 100%
- 2000 -1 piece white bread with Promite & butter (was MAJORLY starving!)
- 2200 -fish fillet with a huge salad
We went motorbike riding in the arvo and got back quite late (don't you love daylight savings?!) then by the time we washed the mud off our bikes & socialised on the front lawn then cooked dinner it was 10pm! Ugh. not ideal i know, but hey, it was the best tasting fish ever, i was soooo hungry.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Clueless about coffee
Yeeees, about the coffee beans.... we go to Gloria Jeans to get some beans (coz T insists she's going to make me a glorious cup of coffee each time i visit on her new fandangled coffee machine from her Dad). She's completely clueless about coffee (she hates the stuff) -and proved this when buying a bag of coffee beans from GJ's. The look of pure confusion on her face when they asked how she'd like them ground was priceless. "Don't you just put the beans in the machine?? Do you have to crush them? How come??" ummm, Tan coz that would be like trying to make a loaf of bread with wheat.
Please Tan, keep AWAY from the coffee machine. Instant will do fine.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Mooshy omelettes and greetings from the green team

Talk about rubbing my nose into a bad situation.
Check out what W got in the mail today. A pack of freebies from Kawasaki. Talk about timing, when all i've had is nightmares with my bike, he gets golden glowing service and reliability from his... and he gets FREE stuff! Man i got duped big time.
Now hear this Yamaha, TAKE A BIG freakin leaf outta Kawasaki's green book and focus on customer service , you hear me?? Yamaha are a Sham-aha.
Food n fitness for today...
0700 - Iced coffee
1700 - Gym with Tan. We did intervals/cardio. Including: Bike, X-trainer, rower, suicides, lunges, skipping, abs. 1 hour.
1830 - Oats with sunflower seeds n skim milk n splenda
2230 - 5 egg (1yolk) vege thingy with mushrooms, onion, tomatoes, capsicum and broccolli (not wothy of the 'omelette' title since it ended up all mooshed up into a million pieces - tasted fab tho)
I plan to have either oats or youghurt between now and going home to bed.
Thank god its my last nightshift, I've done six in a row and i'm completely over it. I do the rosters so I've only got me to blame.
Drip of a dog

Thursday, January 04, 2007
Put the money in the jar
My buddy Tania has been going through a rough patch lately - she broke up with her Fiance just after Christmas :( She shared a house with him, so T spent the past week camping out in our spare room until she could move into a small unit of her own. Annnyway, what i have to say is that it was quite 'fun' having a friend stay over. It reminded me of my Uni days flatting with girls - especially the first 2 nights because Waynie was away in Perth, so we hung out and did girly things. T is an obsessive compulsive-neat freak, so apart from the cool female company it was also like having a live-in maid for a week! JOY! The cleanliness of my home is always somewhat marginal... clutter and bloody dog hair galore, and T needed 'distractions' while i was working (she had all those luxurious public holidays over Chrissy/New Year that Nurses don't get) so she mopped and cooked and washed dishes and washed clothes and put things away and vacuumed and cooked some more. My sink was bare! Not a ponky stinky dirty dish in sight. I miss her. I really do. I might have to sabotage her new living arrangements so she comes to stay with us permanently.... steal her rent cheques so she gets evicted or something! Hee hee...GOOD thinkin' Drea!!