Sunday, November 30, 2008
In short
I've decided my eating has gotten out of control (It's only taken me 2 years to figure that out - no speed records have been set using this brain). My clothes have been getting tighter n tighter (even in my new fat clothes) and funnily enough the scales have been going up n up.
So I'm giving 'Weight Watchers online' a whirl -to try and get my head around portion sizes again. I was eating more than husband and shovelling so much crap into my mouth without thinking, so i figured this might help me think about how much i should be eating in a day and to find a balance again.
Fingers crossed, I'm over feeling porky.
I just looked up and saw a mouse staring at me from the kitchen bench above the stove. I quickly pulled all the spice jars off the bench, grabbed a plastic bowl and planned to corner it & catch it under the bowl. That was a great idea ... until the bloody thing lurched and jumped from the bench straight at me!! I squealed...ducked... (cursed myself for being so pathetic) and it went straight over my head, plopped on the floor behind me and scurried under the stove.
I didn't want to kill him - he was kinda cute, i was planning on 'relocating' him (like to the neighbours... ). Hmmm, now I'll have to come up with another plan.
He's a tough mouse... he survived a 6ft leap! Impressive.
Since I'm on a health kick, I've been thinking about exercise and ways to get motivated.
I've decided (drumroll please...) I'm going to try and do a half marathon.
Cough, choke **splutter**
I'm serious. I'm going to train up slowly and aim for the City to Surf 1/2 Marathon in August (2009 is the first year they'll be adding that distance) so I have 9 months to train!
A girls gotta have a goal. (even if it is far-fetched)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Cleaner - mugshot
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Goodbye Senior

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Anyone there??
Monday, September 29, 2008
Moving officially sucks
Diez is still sick, but after further tests and visits to the big Perth Vet hospital he seems better and like he will slowly continue to improve (fingers crossed). Silly old sucker has cost us a fortune, he's a gold-plated dog.
Husband and I have officially moved from Leo. The packing up and cleaning sucked BIG TIME, it was a relief to finally walk out the door of the house knowing it was all done. Now we have to unpack everything at the other end...ugh.
It was very sad to leave good friends behind, but I have had a great past four years and have made some life long friends from my days in Leo.
I had a fantastic going away party with all my favourite Leo girls, it was a blast! JB was the hostess (with the mostest) and I could not have had more fun. We sang (badly) danced (badly), chatted and yahoo'd till 4am! My gawd... I'm far too old for that now, it nearly killed me. It rendered the next day a complete and utter write off for me. Despite my best attempts, every time I got up to try and achieve something my head pounded until i was forced to crawl back into bed. I was pathetic. It was kinda worth it though, I haven't had such a fun drunk-night for ages. However I do 'sketchily' recall getting pushed to the ground & sprayed with Champagne at one stage, and I also have vague memories of losing my pants and hiding in bushes while the girls searched for me to take photos of my large white behind in my undies. That was nasty. The pics were nastier, lucky the camera didn't seize (wish it had tho).
Husband & I are in Perth now for a few days before moving to Q'ding. Its been a great time to relax and chill after the last few hectic weeks.
Guess what happens tomorrow???
I get my NEW CAR! Yeehaar. We drove there today and saw her in the showroom... I know its mine because it has my custom number plates on it! I was so excited I was bouncing around like a complete tosser, she had a sign on the windscreen saying 'Sorry, I'm spoken for - please consider this when browsing'.
Ha! Get your dirty mitts off - she's MINE.
I can't wait.... eeeekkkk!
Over n out x
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Dear old Diez...
After my last post he got a lot worse and I was driving to Kal to pick husband up from the airport so took him back to the vet. This time I saw a different vet who was very thorough, she started an assessment from scratch and gave me quite a poor prognosis. I knew in my heart anyway that he was looking pretty awful, I really thought he would die that day. He was having difficulty breathing, he had a really high temperature and was really quiet. I left him at the vet for a barrage of tests and went to collect Wayne from the airport - As soon as I saw Wayne I burst into tears .... it seemed so much to deal with on my own and the few days before hand had been awful... I was a mess!
Anyway, the tests basically showed he had a raging infection but they weren't really sure of the exact focus, so we took him home on industrial strength doses of antibiotics, with the plan of returning in a few days if he hadn't improved. I left for Bali two days later and husband took over while I was away. I felt incredibly guilty leaving them - both husband and Diez.
Diez wound up having surgery to explore what was causing the swelling and infection in his throat. Post op Wayne said he looked a bit better for a few days, but now seems to be on a bit of a patchy down hill slide, although sometimes he has times where he wags his tail and will even get up and wander around sniffing things like he used to. Most of the time he lays on his bed looking quite sad and thats the heart breaking bit.
The vets are baffled and think its perhaps a combination of problems - a bad infection which has now progressed to Kidney failure - he's no spring chicken so his Kidney function was already a bit marginal and the infection has most likely exacerbated this.
The Vets in Kal (Robyn and Lauren) have been awesome.
They sound like they genuinely care and have been so understanding through our tears and questions. Today I spoke to Robyn at length about being stressed over the decision to Euthanize Diez. Are we being selfish by keeping him alive?? I want to do things for his best interest - not ours. She was fantastic and said we would just 'know' if and when the time was right, not to stress about it, but to spend our time with him loving him and continuing to give him the best care we can.
I know it's probably hard for most people to understand how upset and emotional I am about this, and to be honest I'm a bit confused myself at my reaction, but to Wayne and I our dogs have never just been 'dogs'... they are our family, our furry slobbering children, we are a team of four and I want it to stay that way.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Diesel update
He actually wagged his tail a couple of times today (not at me tho...but at JB and KDF when they visited him on his death-bed. He's sick of the sight of me smothering him so I get no tail-wagging) He's also been walking (limping) around a bit more tonight. I had to pretty much hand feed him dinner but he looks better than he did this time last night.
Hang in there old buddy.
Saturday, August 30, 2008

He’s so sick, he can hardly walk and it’s breaking my heart.
I don’t know what to do.
I drove him to the vet yesterday in Kal and she said it was ‘an infection’ and his arthritis playing up, she prescribed him some antibiotics and anti inflammatories.
Today he has gotten worse, tonight worse again. I’m sleeping on the mattress on the floor next to him but I can’t stop crying and cuddling him.
I just want to take his pain away and make him all better.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Whats it called?
Okay so this is probably only funny to me, but I'm in a video sharing mood and tonight i have been clearing the video recorder in preparation for Bali and came across this clip from our Canada holiday.
My pronounciation has never been great and this proves it.
ACME brand Treadmill
This takes a while to load but it cracks me up - I've always been one to laugh at others being clutzy... can't help myself!
Its nice that his mate just sits there and watches, no assistance rendered whatsoever.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Peter Andre - He Da Man!
This completely cracks me up - such a blast from the past.
Good old Pete... why does he always have his shirt flying open in the breeze, and his pants pulled up under his armpits? And whats with the bouncing red car?
JB was searching for this song and we were having no luck finding it on iTunes, so after Googling it to make sure we had the spelling and song name correct we found it on youtube. We then spent the next hour in hysterics playing it over and over, imitating the dance moves and singing our hearts out.
After our Pete-session we watched the movie Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore & Hugh Grant. I'd seen it before but I don't remember loving it as much as I did second time round. KDF and I giggled the entire movie (JB fell asleep - she's a hopeless movie watcher). I'm not a huge Hugh Grant fan, but he is hilarious in this movie. The 80's references are classic - I'm not sure how KDF appreciates the humour tho since she wasn't even alive in the 80's and proved it with this conversation:
Me: That movie was awesome, kind of reminded me of WHAM! with George Michael and Andy whats-his-face, the famous one and the one no one remembered.
KDF: Who are Wham?
Me: You DON'T know WHAM????? George Michael??
KDF: *looking blank* No...never heard of them.
Me: Oh my God... you make me feel so oooold!
If you haven't seen that movie and you were alive in the 80's (although clearly that is not a pre-requisite to enjoy the pic) you MUST go rent it and watch it!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hot Rod

This is my new car!!
Well it's not the actual car - but it's pretty much exactly the same. After pondering over new cars for what seems like forever (I changed my mind a hundred times), husband went to test drive some Mini's in Perth today (I was worried about getting one if they were ridiculously small inside) and he said it was great - and ordered me one! Yeehaar. It's Red with a white roof just like this one. Do you know the glove compartment has a chiller option??? W.T.F? Perfect for Iced coffee storage! This car was MADE for me.
Yesterday I sold my motorbike and I was feeling a bit sad and sentimental about it.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Pretty in pink
By the end of tomorrow I will have done 40 hours overtime in a week. That is just freaking ridiculous - no wonder I feel fuzzy and confused, and my house is a mess, and I have no clean clothes, and haven't cooked healthy food forever. Well okay, none of that stuff is directly related to my overtime but it makes me feel better if i console myself with the fact it might be and that it's not really because I'm a slob waiting for the fairies to come do it.
* * * * *
I have frostbite.
Well I'm sure it's not real frostbite, but it feels like frostbite. My toes have been blue and numb a reasonable amount of time lately because we seem to be having an extended COLD-SNAP here and my circulation is shite, and it's not acceptable to wear ugg-boots to work (damn-it).
Now three of my toes are the complete opposite of numb (how does that work?)... they are bloody sore! Tingly and sensitive... and... well ... frost-bitten.
* * * * * *
Wanna see our new house? It'll make you laugh.

It made me cry.
But only for a moment, because it doesn't look that bad inside. Its tiny... but okay. We've lived in worse.... far worse.
My fave feature would have to be the 'pink' brick... and the fact that it looks like the Jetsons house (Meet George Jetson...).
Maybe it was the Police Station once upon a time... which by the way is right next door, like on the same block (see the bottom pic, our house is on the left, the station is the building on the right) Crikey, husband won't exactly stress himself getting to work on time!!
The garden needs some T.L.C.
That should keep me amused for a while (while I'm waiting for my job search allowance to arrive - I still don't have a job to go to).
* * * * * *
I love audio books.
I used to hate driving long distances (for me thats more than 25km) alone because being in a car makes me sleeepy, and I just yawn and yawn and go glassy-eyed and want to curl up into a neat little ball and snooze. Zzzzzz.
Which is just plain unsafe when you are behind the damn wheel.
Anyway, someone left an audio book in my work car. So out of sheer desperation one day I tried it - and, (once I got over the cheesy introduction and elevator music that they unnecessarily played between the chapters) I found the kilometers would zoom by and I'd actually be hoping my destination was further away so i could squeeze in one last chapter.
They are a miracle I tell you!
The one I'm listening to at the moment is a tad odd i must admit (futuristic war), however it doesn't seem to bother me that the content is not something I'd usually read myself... because when someone else is blabbing it out, it just seems so much easier to tune in and follow along.
I am a nerd, I am not ashamed.
Over n out x
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
position wanted
Inside the card Mum-in-law had written a novel of warm fuzzies* about both of us and what we have achieved... together. It was nice, really really nice.
Leonora has certainly made us both grow, we've had plenty of challenges both personally, in our relationship and in our careers. My favourite saying/motto is 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger' and it sure is true. We grow from experiences and at the other end when you realise how much you've learnt from that experience, it doesn't matter if it was good or bad it seems to be worthwhile in some way.
* * * * * *
At the moment I don't have a job to go to when we move.
What was I just sprouting on about life experiences... and growing?? Please remind me of that when I'm unemployed and broke and in an unfamiliar town.
I'm sure something will come up, but it's kind of stressful, especially since I handed in my resignation today. It may have been wiser to W A I T until i got another position. (nothing like counting ya chickens before they hat....yeah yeah, blah blah)
* * * * * *
Husband and I took the dogs for a walk tonight, then I went for a 6km jog with Tania. It was awesome! I felt like I was flying and loved every minute of it. Maybe it was because the dog-walk had warmed my legs up? Who knows but if I felt that good jogging all the time I'd do it every day and twice on Sundays.
* * * * * *
Isn't this an great pic?
JB up the hill, IC in hand (she probably has a ciggie in the other) waiting for the sun to set.
Over n out.
* Warm fuzzies - friendly compliments that make you feel warm 'n fuzzy inside.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Thats what you get for moaning...
Suddenly my old job doesn't seem so bad now... better the devil you know than the one you don't. Yikes... new town, new people, new house, new hospital everything.
It was always on the cards for husbands promotion, but its so final and real now that its a big shock. I'm actually going to take a big backward step with my career because at this stage I don't even know if there is a position available for a full-time level one nurse. However I'm sure it'll all work out (it might actually be nice to go back to basics for a while and let someone else do all the decision making and paperwork).
At the moment all I can think about is my creature comforts that I'll miss - the creatures being JB and KDF (!!) and comforts being all the familiar things I know, the locals, the area, the Rec centre and running tracks etc etc. In the back of my mind also is Tiff who moved to Onslow last year (with her Policeman husband) and has been miserable ever since. What if I end up like that???
However to grow in life we must all place ourselves OUT of our comfort zones and experience other jobs, environments, people... otherwise life really would grow monotonous and boring. Well thats how I'm consoling myself at the moment :o)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I was in a zone of feeling completely utterly overwhelmed this afternoon - i had my resignation letter written in my head, i was feeling defeated.... so I went to the gym to de-stress. In the middle of my workout i decided i'd go back to work and tackle the piles of unfinished crap spread all over my desk - so that i can atleast start tomorrow off on a more positive note.
So three hours later I'm home feeling a whole heap better and ready to tackle tomorrow.
Bring it on i say... come on throw it at me... i can do two jobs at once. I might be a twitchy cooky raving lunatic by the end of it, but i shall soldier on and do my almighty best. Florence freakin Nightingale eat your heart out.
Over-n-out (twitch, snort, twitch)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A weekend tale
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
No pictures here
Murphy (shit-dog) ate my iPod earphones (could insert a pic of the damage done - but i won't be tempted).
Then my Polar heart rate monitor watch froze and refused to work. Is this a conspiracy by secret unknown forces to stop me exercising?.... no music, no HR monitor. I was also supposed to go for a run with Tania tonight, but she text'd me last minute & piked (see it is a conspiracy!) but I Soldiered on -SOLO! I will not let this arse get bigger... noooo, I stole husbands earphones and plodded off for a 30 minute jog. puff puff.
(Could possibly insert picture here of beetroot faced 35 year-old!)
* * * * * *
Husband used to cook lots. He's the cook in our house. Lately his enthusiasm for cooking has been on a steep decline. Tonight it was HIS turn to cook.
He put the (shop bought) Salmon Patties in the oven, then played on the computer.
He asked if I could 'do vegies' - so I peeled and chopped carrots and cooked them, along with some Peas n Corn. I took the patties out the oven and served up.
I don't think putting 4 patties in the oven and turning it on warrants as an act of 'cooking'.
In my books it's still his turn to cook.
* * * * * *
Hey guess what??
I just Googled 'Polar F6 frozen' and within 30 seconds I had fixed my HR monitor! Ha! All I needed to do was hold in all buttons (which I had tried) - EXCEPT the light button (must have been the only combination I didn't try) and... ka-boom... a master reset is performed.
Too easy!
I LOVE Google. love love love Google.
If only I'd done my research before my run.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A purple Van
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Road trip
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Today I spent the majority of the day in the garden . I bought some new plants in Kal yesterday, which today (coupled with the beautiful sunshine) gave me a splurge of motivation to attack the weeds and rearrange my pots. It looks like I've got a new garden now! Amazing.. Don Burke eat your heart out.
There were plenty of butterflies keeping me company...darn hard to photograph though, because they just keep flapping.

Friday, May 02, 2008
a) having an out of control spazza episode requiring admission to a psych facility
b) cancelling and deciding not to come at all....
I decided to change our dates. I did a mad ring around to the other Bali-adventurers and then to the travel agent and we have re-booked for early September. Initially we were unsure if we'd be able to get another 3 bedroom villa, but today it was confirmed... so it's all systems go!
Note to self: NEVER try and organise more than 2 people to do anything at once EVER again!
* * * * * *
Husband is in Perth for a week catching up with his favourite things - family footy and friends.
He rang me today from the Lancome counter in Myer to see if I needed anything - he handed the mobile to the sales girl so I could explain my foundation and moisturiser to her. He then paid and will bring it back for me. Ah! Too easy!
He's decided to go to Bali too with some mates (He's not invited on our girls trip - so he had to make his own fun!) He's going before I do so I'd better start stashing some cash in case he spends it all.
Might start now... am off to hide a 50 under the mattress.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Jo!
running solo
On Monday I bit the bullet and figured if I want to run I'm going to have to learn to enjoy it solo for the time being. I've done a grand total of zero-zilch-no exercise since coming back from Canada and I knew it'd be tough, but I managed a 30minute 5km jog (plod) - just me and my trusty iPod and we did great! I felt like a big blubbery whale pounding the pavement, but it didn't completely kill me, and to be honest i actually quite enjoyed it.
Now I have no excuse not to go more often....especially now God has turned the heating off and the cooler weather has arrived.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Clever Husband
'Drea, I'm in the pool'
I replied 'Really?? - Isn't it cold?'
He said ' No! I mean the Sergeant POOL'
Ooooooohhh, I said (feeling like a complete moron for thinking he was swimming) YAY! Congratulations husband, what a smarty pants!
I'm really happy for him because I know he'll make a fantastic Sarg (and secretly I'm also glad we don't have to go through that whole bloody loooong process again, jeezus it would've killed me!)
Now we have to think about the future. It opens a few more doors and changes our plans a bit, but thats kind of exciting.
* * * * * *
More cool news.... Off to Bali I go! And I'm going with all my favourite girls! Mum, Jo, KDF and JB! - - - It'll be AWESOME!
JB, KDF and I were chatting one night about having a girls only holiday, then I asked Mum and Jo if they would consider coming, now it's all booked and we're going -July 25th for 10 nights.
I'm so excited because I've always dreamt of holidaying with Mum overseas (she hasn't been anywhere!) and I think we'll all have a fantastic time.
We've booked a 3 bedroom Villa at The Bali Villas that looks very luxurious. JB has been eagerly practicing her Indonesian (on any poor soul that will listen) and I'm all of a sudden on a health kick to make sure I don't scare everyone in my bathers.
103 days to go!!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The men
KDF Matt and i made these little guys on Boxing day. The cookie cutter has these built-in bits that make a dent in the dough for buttons, mouth and eyes. They turn out so cute and it was so much fun turning each one into a little person... i felt bad eating them (but only for a split second because they tasted so good the flavour wiped my emotions). My personal fave would have to be top right, he was dropped when coming out of the oven (maybe he tried to run away) and sustained a severed arm and leg in the process. KDF fixed him up with some blue stitches. None of Matt's decorated men made it into the picture... because he insisted on givng them all 'pink-eye' (Knocked-Up has a lot to answer for) and they looked like possessed crazy little gingerbread-men.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
All in the family

This is a pic of Mum, KDF (my niece) and I. I dragged Ma back to Leo for a few weeks to work at the hospital again (bless her woolly socks for saving our souls) and KDF has been working as a Patient Care Assistant/Casual Admin clerk... so thats 3 generations of my family all working together. It's a conspiracy to take over the town! It was great fun, however Mum snuck away back home just before Christmas leaving KDF and I to soldier on in the heat.
HEAT.... it's been a kazillion degree's every day (Thats no exaggeration). My whole garden is turning crunchy and the dogs have dug enormous craters in the back garden to try and stay cool (trust me... you need to dig a looong way down for any sign of damp-cool-dirt).
Husband is in Perth for a week having a holiday. He's staying with friends... relaxing, swimming, eating, shopping.
I want to be shopping.
I love shopping.
Love love love shopping.
Doesn't matter though coz i've given him a list. A long list. he'll wish he never went shopping without me ever again.